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Full Spectrum Micro Grind


Full Spectrum: 33% Vintage Micro Red/White/Green Vein

100% Mitragyna Speciosa Powdered Leaf

If your looking for it all, your looking for WildCraft’s Full Spectrum Blend. This blend is carefully balanced to provide a full spectrum of all the alkaloids (kratom’s feel good chemicals) and effects kratom has to offer. One of our absolute favorites and a staple of any herbal apothecary, our full spectrum blend won’t disappoint.

This variation uses our Vintage Micro Line.  All three Pure Veins are processed using a micro grind – a slightly coarser grind that produces a larger and grittier end product.  In our experience Vintage Micros tend to be slightly slower and more euphoric and uplifting than their Nano ground counterparts.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


BEFORE PURCHASE PLEASE REVIEW: Cautions & Considerations

Weight N/A

25 grams, 80 grams, 250 grams

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Happy Thanksgiving

In observance of the holiday Wildcraft will be CLOSED from end of day Wednesday, November 27th at 4PM EST and will reopen to resume shipping Monday, December 2nd. Thank you so much for your understanding and we wish all of you a beautiful holiday!! We truly love and care about each and every one of you. Thank you for being part of the Wildcraft Family!