
White Vein Loose Leaf


100% Pure Crushed Leaf Mitragyna Speciosa

If you need a little “pep” in your step. A little zip to your zap. If you are feeling run-down, overworked, or just plain tired – but so much depends on you. We have something we’d like to share with you: Wildcraft’s White Vein Kratom. It gives us the energy, drive, and motivation to not just survive the day but to truly thrive. It is our fastest, most energizing, and focus-enhancing strain. We love it and are sure you’ll love it too.*


Simmer: Add desired amount of loose leaf tea to pot or kettle. Squeeze 1/2 lemon into water to lower pH and aid in extraction, if desired. Simmer lightly for 30 minutes minimum. This produces an active tea but to increase potency increase simmering time up to an hour or cover after simmering and let steep for an additional 30 minutes to an hour plus.  You Can also use a crock pot on low or warm to brew for 8 – 24 hours.

Steep: Add desired amount of loose leaf tea to thermos, carefully pour in boiling water, let steep for  30 minutes minimum.  1/2 Lemon can be squeezed into water prior to adding leaf to Lower pH to aid in extraction.

 For both methods: strain, add honey or your favorite sweetener and enjoy.

*This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


BEFORE PURCHASE PLEASE REVIEW: Cautions & Considerations


20 grams, 40 grams, 150 grams

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Joe Knauss
Love the white vein

Love wildcraft. Great people!!

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Happy Thanksgiving

In observance of the holiday Wildcraft will be CLOSED from end of day Wednesday, November 27th at 4PM EST and will reopen to resume shipping Monday, December 2nd. Thank you so much for your understanding and we wish all of you a beautiful holiday!! We truly love and care about each and every one of you. Thank you for being part of the Wildcraft Family!