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On a Budget Green Vein


100% Green Vein Mitragyna Speciosa leaf.  1.58 Mit.

For those of us that need quality leaf to live our best lives but find ourselves on a strict budget WildCraft introduces On A Budget Green.  High quality green vein testing at 1.58 Mit. at a price everyone can get excited about.   Times are tough, hopefully this helps.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


BEFORE PURCHASE PLEASE REVIEW: Cautions & Considerations


250 grams, 1000 grams

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Ben Howell
Different batches

Was a huge fan of the first 250g bag batch #1011. Had long legs, nice energy and solid euphoria. Decided I’d buy another 250g but only kilos were available, the price fits my budget so I decided to go ahead and buy it. The kilo I received was batch #1037. It’s solid for sure but is definitely lacking the “oomf” of batch #1011. A slower burn with slightly shorter legs and lacking some energy I’d prefer. That being said it’s still fantastic quality and I’ve enjoyed both. Appreciate y’all providing such fantastic quality at such an affordable price.

Jordan Bacchus
It says "on a budget green vein" but It should say "triple threat"

I'm never disappointed with their Kratom or their prices or their customer service but c'mon man we got great quality, nearly 40% off and they threw in a few sample packs of Red and White just because they are awesome. Pinch me, I think I'm in heaven! 10/10 would recommend to a friend

Price aside, this is fantastic kratom

I'd only had a red and a white from y'all which were good but didn't blow my pants off. This green did though. Maybe I haven't had good green for a while but this hit just right. A perfect balance of stimulation, relaxation, and analgesia. The duration was also a pleasant surprise. It lasted a good 8 hours.

murdock zaya

literally, where can you beat a $70 kilo? I’ve been taking Kratom for about seven years, so my tolerance is fairly high. for $70 a kilo, this is the best leaf you will find. I’m so grateful that wildcraft herb company is giving us who are financially hurting a wonderful option at a good price. Thank you so much, WHC!! I love you guys!

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Happy Thanksgiving

In observance of the holiday Wildcraft will be CLOSED from end of day Wednesday, November 27th at 4PM EST and will reopen to resume shipping Monday, December 2nd. Thank you so much for your understanding and we wish all of you a beautiful holiday!! We truly love and care about each and every one of you. Thank you for being part of the Wildcraft Family!