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Golden Powdered Leaf


Gold Vein Powdered Leaf

Take the load off after a long day with WildCraft’s golden vein kratom. When we need to seriously relax, but aren’t ready for sleep, we turn to Gold Vein Kratom. Gold Vein is made by harvesting the kratom leaf right as its vein is turning red and using a different, longer, and slower drying method that slightly alters the ratios of active alkaloids (the feel-good chemicals in kratom), changing the effects and what the user experiences.* 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

BEFORE PURCHASE PLEASE REVIEW: Cautions & Considerations

Weight N/A

25 grams, 80 grams, 250 grams, 500 grams, 1000 grams

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Great powder

So good for relief and mood. Induces a nice feeling of warmth. Thanks Guys

Charlie Shaw
Great golden

This golden has been a great mid afternoon treat

My go to for relaxation and stress

This is by far one of the best powders (any form
of kratom really) I've had. It provides great relaxation (both mind and muscles), lowers my anxiety levels, and has a really decent but not over the top euphoria.

I primarily use this for pain from a cycling injury. Over 10 herniated discs in my mid/lower back, The pain wraps around my hip to my thigh and knee and my sciatic nerve. This strain has single handedly kept me off of pain medications and I couldn't be more thankful for Wildcraft's quality and the care put into their business and customers!


It's exactly what I was looking for

Mandy Jeanne
Gorgeous Gold!

The perfect leaf! It makes the most amazing tea, truly. I've had it all times of day, and it hits the spot for when I need to take a moment to myself to recover, or wind down after too many long hours. Amazing way to decompress. A very rich and pleasant experience, Wildcraft is second to none for self care! Excellent!

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Happy Thanksgiving

In observance of the holiday Wildcraft will be CLOSED from end of day Wednesday, November 27th at 4PM EST and will reopen to resume shipping Monday, December 2nd. Thank you so much for your understanding and we wish all of you a beautiful holiday!! We truly love and care about each and every one of you. Thank you for being part of the Wildcraft Family!