You must be 18 years of age or older to entered this site. By entering your birth date and clicking agree you confirm you have read the below as well as read and agree to be bound and abide by our terms of service, privacy policy, shipping and refund policy along with our cautions and considerations.
By continuing to use you agree that you are aware and in compliance with your local county, state, or federal regulations in regards to Mitragyna Speciosa also known as Kratom. You certify that you are 18 (21 in applicable states) years or older and of sound body and mind to make intelligent decisions.
The US FDA has not approved Kratom. Our products are not FDA approved. Any products or statements on have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. See FDA Import alert 54-15 for more information.
CAUTION: Any of our products containing Kratom are not to be used while operating motor vehicles or working with heavy machinery. Do not take if pregnant or nursing. Always consult your doctor or health team about possible interactions if you are prescribed or taking medications. Do not combine with alcohol or other substances. Keep away from children and pets.
User/purchaser assumes all risks. Wildcraft Herb Company, its owners, employees or any affiliated third party is not liable for use or misuse of any of the products for sale on this website.
Wildcraft Herb Company, its owners, employees or any affiliated third party shall not be held liable and assumes no responsibility for any damages (direct or indirect) caused in any way by the use of information or products on our website or in retail stores.
Wildcraft Herb Company, its owners, employees or any affiliated third party is not liable for the medical claims made by customer reviews and testimonials. All information presented on this website is deemed informational only and should not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any of our products.
Wildcraft Herb Company reserves the right to cancel any order and refuse sale for any reason. In which case any money received will be promptly refunded.
For information and legality regarding Kratom please visit: